What is going on in Paris still overshadows most things right now. We all want to live in a free and open society, even though the price for doing so feels pretty steep in times like these. Right after the news broke I sent out a tweet with some quotes by Napoleon. I include them here as well as I find them relevant still:

”A true man hates no one.”
”All religions are made by man.”
”A leader is a dealer of hope.”

Let us all be leaders at whatever levels we happen to find ourselves. Dealers of hope refusing to have our hearts blackened by hitting back with an ”eye for an eye” mentality. Let us be bigger than that.

This months coaching letter is about something we all fight against. Something that every human being in history has fought with. With a little understanding our generation could be the first to break the cycle. I find that hopeful. Hope you do too …

Your Life is a Masterpiece, discover it!

Anders Haglund